Plumbing Course

Plumbing Course

Why should you become a Plumber?

A plumbing trade qualification is highly sought after today due to the shortage of plumbing skills in South Africa and Internationally. Choosing to obtain a plumbing trade qualification is a valuable life choice.

Our qualified Trades persons are able to begin their chosen career path in Grade 9 at the early age of 15, obtaining their Plumbing Qualification along with a Business and Management certificate and Red Seal (equivalent of Matric) in the same time as it would have taken to achieve a matric pass, and are ready to establish their own trade related business with unlimited earning potential, or work overseas as a very sought after trades person.

Plumbing Course Admission Requirements

Students should be ages 15 -19 years old and have completed Grade 9 or equivalent.

After qualifying with this course you will be able to integrate your knowledge, understanding and competencies related to occupational health and safety, National Building Regulations and industry codes of practice to perform a range of plumbing activities.

You will be able to:

  • Maintain, install, test and repair above-ground soil waste and vent systems and sanitary ware appliances.
  • Test, install, and maintain  below-ground drainage systems and perform basic building work.
  • Install, maintain and test cold water systems and hot water systems.
  • Install, maintain and test rain water systems.

Theory & Practical Learning

1.     Maintain, install and  soil, waste and vent pipe systems

2.     Repair, install and maintain sanitary ware appliances

3.     Test, install and maintain below ground drainage systems

4.     Install, maintain and test cold water supply systems

5.     Install, maintain and test hot water supply systems

6.     Install, maintain and test Rainwater Systems

7.     Monitor the application of safety, health and environmental protection procedures

8.     Perform building works

9.     Procure resources for construction works

10.  Fabricate and install sheet metal components

11.  Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life related problems

12.  Represent, analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts

13.  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues

14.  Interpret and use information from texts

15.  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes

16.  Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts

17.  Engage in sustained oral/signed communication and evaluate spoken/signed texts

18.  Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts

19.  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes

20.  Write/present/sign for a wide range of contexts

21.  Apply basic business concepts

22.  Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication

23.  Perform specialised fault-finding and repairs to plumbing systems

24.  Identify responsibilities of a team leader in ensuring that organisational standards are met

Learning Outcomes:

·       Apply understanding of the functioning of plumbing systems to install, test and maintain them in a building environment

·       Apply fault finding techniques to diagnose and repair installed plumbing systems

·       Communicate in verbal and written forms with peers, supervisors and other relevant role players

·       Identify and solve problems with practical mathematical applications

·       On completion, learners will be able to integrate their knowledge, understanding and competencies related to occupational health and safety, National Building Regulations, and industry codes of practice to perform a range of plumbing activities

Monthly Fee
3 x R15 000/month
6 x R10 000/month
36 x R3750/month
36 x R5500/month
Theory and Practical: 3 Months
Work Experience: 3 Months
Apprenticeship: 33 Months
Business Management Certificate
Mini MBA
Driver’s license preparation
NQF Level 4 Trade Test